The valuation of a company depends upon several factors; as publicly traded companies are valued differently than Startups with no operating history. Pro Business Plans applies the valuation methodology that most applies to the age
and industry of your company, but applies the same valuation techniques as the most established private equity firms. It provides a separate company valuation service that is included in the finance plan.
The exit strategy of any company is very important, as all partners and investors must agree about where at what point the company will be sold. Some owners would prefer for the company to remain private and pass it down after retirement
to the family, which may present a clear problem to some financiers that would rather have a quick sale of the entity to a private equity group. In other instances, investors may want to pursue an initial public offering, while you
desperately want to rapidly sell the entity to a larger firm. Communicating the exit strategy that genuinely reflects your motives is vital to finding investors and partners with common goals, otherwise a misalignment will begin to
only exacerbate in the future.