Bank LoanIndustry:
BusinessA major liquor store chain based in New Jersey and Connecticut recently announced the sale of several stores. Pro Business Plans worked with a New Jersey based owner of wine stores to create a SBA business plan for $15 million.

RestaurantA foreign investor was seeking to acquire a restaurant in the New York City area and needed a business plan to provide the USCIS for the transaction. Pro Business Plans prepared a USCIS compliant plan and market analysis.

BiomassA biomass energy company was seeking to acquire and convert an existing facility in a leverage buyout and needed a feasibility study to determining its feasibility and cash flow risk , Pro Business Plans prepared the study.

Oil & GasA private investor was wanting to acquire an Exxon Mobile gas station and needed to provide the lender a business plan to show the ability to pay back the loan. Pro Business Plans prepared a plan and model for the SBA’s approval.

BusinessA chain of Maaco franchise locations was selling and needed a business plan to provide sellers seeking to perform an acquisition with SBA financing. Pro Business Plans prepared a comprehensive seller kit including a plan provided to sellers.

eCommerceAn existing eCommerce website wanted to expand into the direct from manufacturer fast fashion space and needed a plan to show its private investors. Pro Business Plans analyzed the target and synergies and prepared the plan.